the world to Crypto
The easy way to send, receive, store, and trade digital currencies
How it Works
ICO brings together the best of both traditional business and agile crypto models Sed ut pers piciatis unde omnis iste natus.
Bitcoin’s rate is so rapidly changing that miners’ wealth is either rising or falling several times a day.
Androidapp allowing send/receive Bitcoin Cash;
iOSapp made for iOS to operate with bitcoins;
Linuxapp for Linux users to manage bitcoins.
Token Sale
ICO brings together the best of both traditional business and agile crypto models Sed ut pers piciatis unde omnis iste natus.
StartJuly 8, 2023( 9:00 AM GMT )
EndJuly 20, 2023( 9:00 AM GMT )
Acceptable CurrenciesETH, BTC, LTC
Number of Tokens for sale900,000 ICC (9%)
Tokens Exchange Rate1 ETH = 650 ICC, 1 BTC = 1940 ICC
Minimal Transaction Amount1 ETH/ 1BTC/ 1LTC
Pre-Sale | Soft Cap | Bonus |
Presale Bonuses: 50%
ICO brings together the best of both traditional business and agile crypto models Sed ut pers piciatis unde omnis iste natus.
1 ETH = 1500 HVR
1 day only. Invest now and get 1500 HVR for one ETH
1 ETH = 1200 HVR
1 day only. Invest now and get 1500 HVR for one ETH
1 ETH = 1100 HVR
1 day only. Invest now and get 1500 HVR for one ETH
1 ETH = 800 HVR
1 day only. Invest now and get 1500 HVR for one ETH
ICO brings together the best of both traditional business and agile crypto models Sed ut pers piciatis unde omnis iste natus.

Our Teamship
ICO brings together the best of both traditional business and agile crypto models Sed ut pers piciatis unde omnis iste natus.
Frequently Asked Questions
ICO brings together the best of both traditional business and agile crypto models Sed ut pers piciatis unde omnis iste natus.
Q. Which cryptocurrency is best to buy today?
A. | Bitcoin is legal in most jurisdictions in the world but there are some nation states that have banned its use, such as Ecuador. |
Q. Which cryptocurrency is best to buy today?
A. | Bitcoin is legal in most jurisdictions in the world but there are some nation states that have banned its use, such as Ecuador. |
Q. Which cryptocurrency is best to buy today?
A. | Bitcoin is legal in most jurisdictions in the world but there are some nation states that have banned its use, such as Ecuador. |